Tuesday, June 3, 2008

News Summary for 5/17-6/3

- Nonmarket Valuation – BBC World “Nature Inc.” – “a new series that reveals the true value of nature by putting a price tag on it.” 1st install – bee pollination & CA almond groves June 13th 19:30GMT.
- W Flow – new FS project looks at beavers/fens restor/reintro in Rocky Mtn region to incr w retention capacity as CC adaptation. Contact: Trey Schillie

- Farm Bill (USDA website)
---“Passes” (w/snafu) on 5/22 (veto overridden)
---5-yr, $307 bill - $4bill for conservation ($188mill for Ches Bay)
---Lang to help env svcs markets but no funding (“develop uniform standards for quantifying environmental services; establish credit registries; and offer credit audit and certification services”)
---New grants for buying community forests; cost share for emergency for restor; state forest assess & plans; forest “CIG”-type grant program; wood-to-NRG program
---Some, but not much reform of subsidies (see Economist slam)
---Ecosystem Marketplace summary
---Summary of forestry-related items by Northern Forest Alliance Exec Dir George Gay
---Summary of Conservation Title from American Farmland Trust

- All things Mitigation - Ecosystem Marketplace’s Mitigation Mail (5/30)
---FL bill to regulate sea grass loss/damages fine facing veto as last-min amend to allow mitigation banking angers enviros. Crit: miti = net loss
---a NJ conserve trust is putting land up for bid to dev/sell WL miti (but not own the land). Bids start at $15k. Could bring the org $3.8mill.
---TX County has HCP for review that sets up cons miti bank (birds, karst invertebrates) for roads, schools, utilities, pub or priv dev, etc. in Co.
---Charlotte County plans to buy scrub jay (TES) habitat crit: $$, would be preserved by landowner anyway (additionality), pub access concerns
---Another Co gets crit re: additionality of cons miti plan on pub land bought for conservation. Sounds like idea to create bank spurred by dev D/ lack of miti S
---Another gov gets crit re: additionality/net loss – ME DOT + partners planned to restore WL for restoration’s sake, then decided to turn it into a WL miti bank for their uses.
---Miti industry consolidation – Wildlands Inc. buys Acer Environmental (GA/NC)
---Australia’s BioBanking has RFP for landowners to dev/sell biodiv credits, sign biobanking agree

- Cons banking/ Regulatory drivers – US House Nat Res Comm/GAO investigation finds USFWS could have “trumped science with politics” on 8 ESA [de]listing decisions (of ~200 investigated). Looks like FWS jumped the gun in delisting. Pol interference could create unnaturally weak demand-driver for cons banking. House Nat Res Comm site, GAO report (70p), News article summarizing GAO official’s testimony to the House Nat Res Committee

- WQT – Ecosystem Marketplace article on Vol W Mkts reviews basics of D drivers (even if “vol”, gotta have reg driver)/players (regulated PT source, unreg ag sector) in WQT; ag prefers to stay under the radar of regulation/gov (eg – verifiers on farms); WQT price must entice - no D if ag prices high; state policies can work against D (ex – MD “flush tax” paying for PT source poll reduction).

- C – PG&E RFP asks for up to 1mill tons GHG emiss reduction via CA CCAR-verified projects to use customers’ vol offset $s. Deadline 7/2.
- C tax – SF Bay air qual mngt auth 1st in US to charge businesses fees to emit GHG. Will raise $1.1mill from 2500 businesses (ex fees: ~$1/yr for service station -> $50k+/yr for oil refinery). [Q: and do what with it?]
- REDD – New Forests continues S Asia roll (orangutan miti in Malaysia, selling biodiv credits to palm oil manu in Borneo) w/ REDD arrange w/ Indonesia regional gov for up to 1mill hectares forest.
- REDD in the USA – NPR story on N CA forest mngd by Pac For Trust –old trees capture/store > C > quickly than younger trees; variable standards of vol C offsets; CCAR

- Nonmarket valuation –U MD Center for Agroecology study on multi ecosys svcs, incl: maximizing forest mngt for C seq & timber, recre values ($96/day trip, $400/overnight trip), existence value of forests ($200-$375/person/yr). Press release, News story
- Nonmarket val – EU/Germany report: world env damage and species loss from forests costs $2.1-$4.8 trill/yr (NPV). Other world-scale val studies in draft stage: gen biodiv loss, coral reefs, Meditterr coastal WL, env bene of flood/erosion risk mngt, cost of species/hab plans.
- Nonmarket val – Tufts U/NRDC research – cost of not addressing CC (esp from hurri damages, real est loss, incr NRG costs, w costs) in US is $3.8trill/yr by 2100.
- Nonmarket val – CA Forest Assoc’s summer mag is all about link betw forest -> clean water/ consistent flow, W & CC, etc.

- Certif – FSC Fam Forest Cert mtg ID’d ways 2 reduce costs assoc w/ cert, incr landowner bene, impr communic. Mtg report soon.

- Tools – NWI maps now on Google Earth
- Tools – Forestry GIS freeware

-Misc – OSU article on forest mkt drivers - TIMOs and REITs don’t care about maximizing ecosys svcs, sustaining local econ, etc. Land goes to highest val (golf course, timber, whatever). Rise of TIMOs/REITS b/c of tax law (disadvan for timber co’s to own land).

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