- WQT Funding – EPA’s Targeted Watershed Grants app is due (w/ state governor approval) by Sept. 9. $4.2mill for 15-25 projects (range is $100k-$1mill) Contact: Chris Lewicki at lewicki.
Chris”at” or (202) 566-1293. RFP is here
- WQT – EPA’s Toolkit on wqt to include info on trading w/onsite (septic), elig of State Revolving Funds for wqt – expect it out Aug 2008
- WQT – new PT-PT trading in Passaic (NJ) for P.
- Env Mkt – new ~Craig’s List for Farmers Market products in MD:
- Leadership – Rob Doudrick, former lead for US Forest Service ecosys svcs group, leaves post to direct Resource Use Sciences. Al Todd, formerly [Ches Bay] Watershed Program Leader steps up as ecosys svcs lead within State and Private branch of USFS.
- Leadership – Dan Nees, formerly with WRI and the Conservation Finance Center (U MD), to head the Ches Clean Water Fund (aka Nutrient Neutral) within Forest Trends
- C/CC/Forests – June 13th issue of Science (vol 320) full of articles on forests, CC, C, etc.
---Miles & Kapos’ “Reducing GHG emiss from deforest & for degrad: global land-use implications”. Themes of ongoing REDD debate: baseline, countries that have already reduced deforest, protocols for meas/validation of reduct, how to fund REDD (grants vs. mkt-mech). When agree on REDD (prob 12/09), “a major new driver for forest conservation will be born”. Scale of funding HUGE: ballpark $1.2bill-$10bill/yr/globally (compare to ballpark current invest forest protection: $250mill-$700mill; & current world forestry exports: $39bill). Other ecosys svcs could be shafted – REDD “losers” should become new priority for conserv./sust forest mngt.
---Sukumar op ed “Forest Research for the 21st century”. Need > sci for use in CC adapt; > sci to inform sust harvesting in tropics.
---Canadell & Raupach “Managing Forests for CC Miti”. Reviews global estimates of reduced emiss (Pg C) of 4 forestry strat: reforest, incr C density, incr use of forest products, REDD. Also touches on: risk, biophys feedbacks, unintended conseq of lrg land-use change, etc.
- C - RGGI begins auctioning permits Sept 25
- All things C – Ecosystem Marketplace’s V-Carbon Mail (6/27)
---Sir Nicholas Stern’s co IdeaCarbon will rate C credits like bond ratings (AAA -> D)
---Gold Standard-certified C projects can get C insur at reduced rate via company CarbonRe
--- Australia & Indonesia signed Forest C agreement for REDD activities
- REDD – Ecosys M’place releases REDD primer

- C biz - …but maybe Richard Branson will crash the C consultancy party? w/ new eco-consult Virgin Green Owls
- C biz – Conserv International expanding their Forest C Markets work: hiring Advisor in DC area
(hat tip to ecorazzi for the Gore/Branson love)
- Instit – Ecosys M’place has primer on C registries – breaks it down to emissions tracking registries (“measuring the beans”) and C credit accounting registries (“tracking the trades”). Great overview.
- Instit – Vol C Standard Assoc (VCS) gives blessing to 4 (accounting) registries: APX, Caisee des Depots, Bank of NY and TZ1
- CC – new book “The Atlas of CC: Mapping the World’s Greatest Challenge” – reviewer in Cons Bio says it’s a great “intro and general ref for people involved in policy at any level”. Wish Amazon had sample pages. (Parmesan, 2008, Cons Bio, Vol 22, No. 3).
- All things Mitigation – Ecosystem Marketplace’s Mitigation Mail (7/3)
---Env Mkt – Ecosystem Marketplace releases “the Matrix: Mapping Ecosystem Service Markets” is living database/spreadsheet/info resource summarizes globally env svc mkts (mkt description, size/volume of trades, players, emerging issues, env and dev world impact)
---WQT – Ecosys M’place article highlights momentum of Katoomba mtg for Ches Bay players, emph on figuring out how to help wqt work regionally, Nutrient Neutral Fund idea funded by CIG grant – will follow ex of C neutral
---DU buys easements on prairie potholes, gives easement to FWS, keeps right to sell C & plan to use proceeds to fund restor in plains states. Considering rights to sell wq credits or endangered species miti (esp migratory bird hab)
---TIMO in the St Johns water mngt district (FL) gives up dev rights on ½ its land to create WL bank of 450+ credits. Credits in area are selling for $30k-$160K
---Alberta Canada considering starting oil sands biodiv offset requirements (sounds like 1:1 ratio for preservation or restoration)
---VA broken dam (w/lowered lake levels/prop values) could be new WL miti bank if restore
---BushTender in Australia gets $2.7mill more to add 6kha of restor on priv land (10kha already completed)
- WL Miti – Robertson & Hayden, 2008 (Cons Bio Vol 22, No 3) conduct complete survey of entrepreneurial bank transactions in Chi ACOE District from 94-02. Found temporal loss of WL (allowable in regs, wch release credits for sale in phases based 1st on site-protection & then ecolog perform measures). WL miti an average of 16 mi away from WL loss (allowable in regs). Meets no net loss goal. Discussed regulatory uncertainty – new local laws tht create > localized areas in wch WL miti must occur.
- Str Miti – “Natural Channel Design”, Rosgen’s method of str restor, has tete-a-tete in JAWRA betw authors asking for peer-review (/peer-rev citations) of meth and the creator of the meth (Rosgen 2008, JAWRA, Vol 44, No. 3; Simon et al 2008, JAWRA, Vol 44, No. 3)
- Incen – EDF working w/ state/fed funds to pay farmers in W lake Erie to impr wq & wildlife hab.
- Cons Finance – HUGE TNC/TPL deal to buy priv for industry land (Plum Creek) in MO adjacent to Nat Forests (lands go to Forest Service). $510 mill for 500 sq miles - $ is ½ from donations, ½ from tax credits. Allows some sust forestry/cert logging.
- Stacking – Plantinga et al. 2008 (forthcoming) Efficiency of Incentives to Jointly Increase Carbon Sequestration and Species Conservation on a Landscape. NSF-funded study says you can’t get both C & biodiv. You can maximize species when you restore rare hab; you max C when you restore forests.
- Stacking – Bekessy & Wintle argue in Cons Bio (vol 22, No 3) that current Kyoto C scheme should be changed to make C + biodiv > competitive to C-only. Implied/stated arguments: a C investor will want C + biodiv b/c of positive PR and investment risk-spreading, there is/will be a mkt for biodiv, regulated C mkt should be for > than C.
- Biofuels – Groom et al. 2008 (Cons Bio Vol 22, No 3) argue biofuels should be certified biodiv-friendly – should be sust & small footprint, maintain native/essential food crop habitats, be at least net C neutral.
- Tools – USGS to provide Landsat for free (1972-present)
- Tools – Kalacska et al. 2008 (Journal of Env Mngt, vol 88). Q: are land cover maps accurate enough to use as baseline forest cover (for CDM)? A: no – low accuracies (in Costa Rica, Mex) – nat level maps overest for cover by counting evergr veg, but underest deciduous forest in > local maps.
- Tools – Heinz Center completes 2008 update of measure/monitor project State of the Nation’s Ecosystems 2008, wch tracks/reports on 68 indicators. They hope feds will take over project. Stokstad, Science vol 320, p. 1575.
- Tools – re: cons prioritiz assessments: of published assess papers, 2/3rds never get imple (usu b/c researcher doesn’t plan on imple)- ouch. Article suggests: rewarding academics for “doing”, linking research to q’s of practitioners, etc. Knight et al. 2008, Conservation Biology vol 22, No. 3.
- PES – research on effectiveness of payments (that went to dev projects in communities) to stop illegal logging in a nat park in Indo had no effect on reduced deforest (paired study) - ouch. Linkie et al. 2008, Science, Vol 22, No 3.
- PES – Forest Trends/Katoomba/UNEP release primer on getting started in PES: ID’ing opp’s and buyers, considering instit/tech capacity & access, making & imple a PES agreement
- PES – USFS PNW research station pub synthesizes research work on ecosys svcs, summaries for how FS can integrate into mngt
- Misc – goats provide weed mngt service, bats (bat boxes) provide pest-reduction services in San Jose, CA. Pricey (~$700/acre goats, $145/box), *but* nonmkt val’s: fire fuel reduction, “wildlife viewing” val, edu.
- Nonmarket Val – Martin-Lopez et al 2008 (Cons Bio Vol 22, No 3) do meta-analysis of WTP for biodiversity val studies (single species only) and find factors that contribute to WTP: anthropomorphic (cuteness), anthropocentric (how useful they are – hunt, fish, wildlife view). Goldmine of 60 WTP values in table on p.628-629.
- Nonmarket Val – National Res Council study on forests and water conclude tht most important output of forests is water.
- Nonmarket Val – Gund Instit+USFS PNW research doing val (bene transfer) for multi (23) ecosys svcs in watershed near Seattle (p.5)
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